Day 87: The good thing...

... about being so busy is that I've had no time to spend any money... other than tonnes on petrol. I just worked out a timesheet for my GoldDigger work this week and it's 47.5 hours... of which I'm actually paid for 10 of those hours and thats an AMAZINGLY well paid week for us! Normally we get paid for 2!... or none :( But have managed to get to the 8th of the month without doing a food shop...we're draining the cupboards and I will have to go this week.
I had a moment today- after getting an email from accessorize - with a link to some special sale items. I saw a gorgeous brown bag and quite wanted it. My £6 primark bag has been my 'everyday' bag for nearly 2 years now and I really have used it every day. Its always full of many wonders and has seen me though the times when I needed a constant supply of wipes, raisins, nappies and changes of clothes for my babies as well as heavy folders, sometimes an odd paint roller, toy car and pretend microphones... it has worked hard and done me proud... and now has some sorry rips. Some people now tell me that its broken and that I need a new one... I just think since it still is the shape of a bag and it carries things well enough still... I can't yet justify binning it. The thought slightly crossed my mind today when I saw one that looked like a suitable replacement - a bit smaller bit then I do need a few less nappies, paint rollers and toys to hand these days... but then I remembered my clothing fast and I must say it felt a bit liberating. I can't replace my bag as I can't buy a new one - and that ok - It will have to wait till next year. And that doesn't seem a long wait and I'm not bothered... and I have reason to keep my holey, breaky bag! :)


  1. Are bags classed as clothes then? Rob x

  2. well... decided accessories are included... if you do something silly you may as well do it properly!


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