Day 111: Christmas Tree Day!

So a few days missed - I'm borrowing a computer again today but I still have none. Mine is in apple world and I'm waiting to see if its fixable :S
So its been a bit fustrating.. I've not been able to write and I've not been really able to check money and balances so I feel a bit stuck...
However... I've had a good and busy few days with work... which I'll talk about more in the GoldDigger blog when I get another 5 mins on a computer... and today has been Chistmas Tree Day in our house... the dishwasher has gone to live in the dump, all the neighbour have been watching Joel as he climbed up the tree with lights to do our bit and Christmasify our house.. now our house is one of 4 with lights looking pretty in the whole of our area...
Anyway...while we're both in I'm hoping we've got £200 to shift onto Mummy Card... will update if can!


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