Day 147: Get me!!!

Tonight is just the sort of night that a takeaway is necessary. I've just got in, I'm tired in an exhausted sort of way, had a long week preceeded by 2 weekends Joel has been away for so I'm aware I've not had anything that resembles a rest in a good 3 weeks, have had a week of early mornings and late nights and a meeting last night that finished at midnight has left me feeling a bit drained. Its Saturday tomorrow but tomorrow I drive us down to Essex in time for a sound check, a couple of gigs and home aprox 1 am Sunday night-actually Monday morning... so a takeaway doesn't seem such a bad idea right now... still we're being somewaht disciplined and at least buying a fake supermarket takeaway that you cook yourself... to save a bit of cash!
But get me! We got an article in youthwork magazine and it arrived today... Its what I was struggling to write a few weeks ago and its nice to have done that and now its all printed and totally off my things to do list! Its basically an overview of what Golddigger do and a bit of the heart behind it all... now back to writing songs... thats much easier than articles!


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