Day 199: Resolutions

Well 2011 is here and what better way for me to start the year than with a list as long as my road is of resolutions. I love them...!
I spent new year in for the first time I can ever remember, other than when hosting parties. My parents and their friends have always had, and still have big parties and take it in turns to host so I've always been at parties for new year. This year ended up being stuck for ideas and the kids were desperate to stay up - so we stayed in. New Years Eve 2010-2011 Joel and the kids washed the car, I wallpapered and the n when the kids went to bed we did a spot of budget planning and kitchen design. Then approaching midnight I cleared out my wardrobe and started reorganising it. At 11.50 we called a halt to the procedings and picked the kids out of their beds and carried them downstairs to bring in the new year with hot chocolate with marshmallows and a cookie while we watched the fireworks on BBC1. Then all back upstairs where they went back off to sleep and I got back to the big wardrobe sort out. Extremely boring but something about it felt really good - it was like the beginning of how things hopefully will go on.
So...not wanting to be too ambitious or anything...these are my main New Years Resolutions 2011
1. Send all birthday cards and presents on time. (I just sent one to Charlie who's birthday is in february as late as December... and the majority of the year it has sat ready to post)
2. Keep my wardrobe tidy (every year I have this one)
3. Get out of debt.
4. Make and stick to a meal plan
5. Budget and change to card free spending.
6. Go to bed at a reasonable time (mainly 2am all year with 7am starts = tired days I've found)
7. Remember the food at the bottom of the fridge as well as the food at the top in eye sight... too many wasted carrots this year :(
8. Read at least 8 books I haven't read before.
9. Use the Wii fit at least once a week
10. By the end of the year I will have cleared out the 'stuff for Ebay cupboard...and hopefully sold it!

10 seems like a good place to stop! So tonight... at 10.54 I reckon I can wrap a birthday present, look at the budget so far, maybe start book No 1 (after I've folded my clothes and put them away tidy of course) and also stick to no 6 if I'm quick :)


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