Its August next week. August has been the dreaded month in the calendar for such a long time in this house and its very nearly here. So... August is the last month we'll get paid for Joels job. Its the end...of...that. August is the month I will find out if the Golddigger funding to salary me for 3 days is going to be given and here's where we see if we can earn enough doing random bits of work and projects here and there to live off! Yikes! Thankfully we have some wonderful people who have offered to give us some personal support to help us through this first 6 months to a year. An amazing couple contacted us a while ago to say they'd like to pay our mortgage for the next 6 months. This was while there was a strong possibility Joel was going to get a fixed part time job anyway. We said we might not need it but they took the amount and made it up to 150% and committed to giving that even if he got a job and I got the funding. How amazing. Thank you Jesus! Anyway he didn't get the job and I'm still clueless about the funding...but we will have a home to live in :) Joel then sent out an email to lots of people we know outlining the finance situation of his next step and I presume that also asks friends if they can support any of that. I don't actually know as I could only bring myself to read the first bit before it felt too squirmy and I didn't want to know. I don't know why but it just feels really weird asking for money and I just can't do it... but so far another 3 people have offered to help us out - my instant reaction is always feeling awkward and asking why before I realise I am really grateful!
Anyway - its an adventure. I feel kind of peaceful about it all because I know we have really tried to get a proper stable job - the job market is really tough at the moment and we're not used to not getting snapped up for employment but he has been for so many interviews and we've just been surprised at the standard of the candidates at each one. Tough market. So we can at least move forward with the vision to set up these new projects he is stepping forward with knowing that he kind of has to make it work - and not just because its the favorite option but also because there is no other option. My focus project has just been to get us out of as much debt as possible before things get too tight and so that we bring down our monthly payments on the credit card - because hopefully there won't be any credit card left. I think I've got quite a bit more to pay off by the end of August - I MIGHT not manage all of it :S but I'm still optimistic that somehow I'll be able to find £7000 from loose change down the back of the sofa and clear it all before September!


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