
The problem with me is that I started this blog so that I could work through my issues with money. As I began a few years ago it really helped me to write and work through all those complicated sums and debts and attitudes and worries. Then as people began to read what I was writing I started to be a bit more careful (and not admit so may spends on handbags) I am ok about admitting my failings...but only if I'm the only one listening. More recently -during one of the most extreme battles we've ever had with money- I've just not wanted to write about any of it. Its not like I haven't been thinking about it. I just maybe haven't wanted to acknowledge it. Writing it makes it all that bit more real.
However, similar to new years intentions to diet well and lose a few pounds I've had a post Christmas splurge on a little treat in a super Anya Hindmarch sale (and lost a few pounds of the GBP variety) and now I am all focused and ready for the new year with all its promises of saving, paying debts and not running out of cash by the 4th of the month again. Above all this I'm also not going to let money get me down, allow me to shout at the kids or the man... and I'm not going to do things I cant afford just because I'd quite like to. Neither will I be making Christmas decorations out of old lightbulbs or eating microwavable burgers like that lady on Superscrimpers last night just because they were free. There is a limit. 


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