Day 20: Phew and Hurray!
We've got there - we've made it to pay day without getting into any more trouble! Apart from a wasted half an hour on the phone to HSBC about our charges - they wanted me to call them to ask me if I was happy with my accounts ... I told them I wasn't happy with the way they've charged me, since they asked, and I was transferred twice until I spoke to someone totally unwilling to do anything to help but just to explain 10 times over what their charging policy is. Boo :(
So, as of now, pay's in, the new budget should properly kick in. AND as we've ended the month with a bit left...all be it on our other overdraft (interest free) it means I can have half of that for my overdraft... taking me to triple figures!!! Today we are on... £890.91 D! Celebrations!! Joel has gone away again and thankfully I have more than £14.67 this time and even took the children and treated them to a new pair of well needed wellies (went for the mothercare £5-plain colour -no bob the builders, tomboliboos or princesses which take wellies up to a tenner)- cos I really know how to treat myself on an achievement. :D Exciting times!
So, as of now, pay's in, the new budget should properly kick in. AND as we've ended the month with a bit left...all be it on our other overdraft (interest free) it means I can have half of that for my overdraft... taking me to triple figures!!! Today we are on... £890.91 D! Celebrations!! Joel has gone away again and thankfully I have more than £14.67 this time and even took the children and treated them to a new pair of well needed wellies (went for the mothercare £5-plain colour -no bob the builders, tomboliboos or princesses which take wellies up to a tenner)- cos I really know how to treat myself on an achievement. :D Exciting times!
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