On a roll!
The great thing about having a job that pays sometimes, and randomly and not often on time... is that sometimes you get a nice cheque that you haven't aded into your budget as you've had no idea when it might arrive. So since our treasurer has been on honeymoon since the end of June my bits of wages have been held off... and finally a cheque arrived! So I've banked it and split it again as a safetly net tll the end of the month... so £121.95 more in taking me up to... £1258.71 D. I think we may stay there for a while now... I havent got any more cheques to pay in but this is pretty good. That account has sat at the 1479/1488 sort of 'lets use as much as we can' mark for nearly 10 years... and now I've paid in to it 3 days in a row! I probably am due for a worried call from the bank due to my significant change of activity!
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