Day 216:

Ahhhhh.... there is almost a kitchen, there is almost space in the lounge again to sit in there and the bunk beds arrived for the children so there is space on their floor for them to play... a bit of normality has entered the building... but still a long way off actually being tidy and organised as I'd like it!
I spent a bit of my pocket money yesterday. I managed to find a pretty jumper I like and a dress both in a sale... dress reduced from £75 to £20 and the jumper £45 reduced to £20 - (which of COURSE also means I have saved £80) so I paid for those with cash from my purse from my January pocket money and I still have Februarys all left (yes it is only actually the 3rd...but this is me) It as the first time in... perhaps forever...that I have been able to own up to my shopping bags with Joel without having to feel guilty.
Ive also just had a couple of cheques in... aim is so see if they can be allowed to go onto the credit card... but my 'realistic aim of the month' is to get it down to below 9,000 - If the figure starts with an 8 before the end of February then I will be worthy of the title 'The Biggest Loser' too.


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