Day 174: Done

Here is me in my office. The main task of the day was to write a new song... I'd started it and it was all a jumble in my head and here I was obviously playing on photobooth as I'd got writers block and couldn't think what to do and Beth was off chattering with Kate. However now it is done. A few little tweaks in the scanning and recording of it in the morning when I can sing it properly without waking the children and then I just have to send it off for the verdict. I feel a satisfied almost at completion feeling with it :)
Another completion news is that St Toms have decided to end their prayers for Catherine to be raised...They say "We sense that the time of pressing in for a miracle was entirely right but now it’s time to release Catherine to Jesus. We are thankful for her life. Please pray for us as a community as we start to grieve and remember Ronan her husband and the two families in your prayers. Thank you for standing with us." It is really sad... a really really sad thing to happen but I've never seen a group of people act so inspirationally. The people in that church gave everything to rally round and stand firmly as a real family, showing the most amazing support I have ever witnessed. One of the girls from there just posted this on the facebook wall
"It has been incredible to see how as a body of believers we reacted to this tradgedy. philly will never be the same. i never realised how like a family we are, and i am so thankful to be part of it. catherine will not be forgotten."


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